Internal Armageddon | Symphony Orchestra | Isabel Goodwin, 2016
*Winner of the Austin Symphony Orchestra's 5th Annual Young Composers Competition and Concert*
Internal Armageddon is a brief piece in G minor, meant to symbolize the ironic oxymoron of freedom and restraint in a person’s mind. The moving sixteenth notes and constant meter representing nonstop emotions, fear, and movement until the dark, breathing tranquility of the low strings and woodwinds starts up the train of thought again. This causes a slow buildup of sounds that leads back into the low strings and woodwinds, which finally build into a conclusion.
The overall theme of the piece, as speculated by Michael Egan and Mallika Chadaga, represents a journey, external or internal. The image of planning for war is one that has been commonly speculated, inspiring the title Internal Armageddon.
The overall theme of the piece, as speculated by Michael Egan and Mallika Chadaga, represents a journey, external or internal. The image of planning for war is one that has been commonly speculated, inspiring the title Internal Armageddon.